Make Your Registers & Personnel Records Available Offline
The digitisation and transcription of your registers and personnel records prepares them to be made available offline. This means that, for the first time, you can search the entire contents of your physical records without lifting a single volume. Our Bookviewer software enables records to be accessible across organisations and offices regardless of where these physical items are usually kept. Staff can enjoy the familiar look and feel of searching in book view but without all the manual handling.

Why make digital records available offline?

Quick Access
Our BookViewer software allows for quick access to your digitised and transcribed data, vastly speeding up the look-up service you provide.

Available Offline
With BookViewer your digital records are stored locally (HDD or server) so there is no need for an internet connection.

Share Records
BookViewer can be installed at many locations meaning separate offices can access any of the registers held at other sites.
Some of the features BookViewer has to offer

Register to a webinar to find out more
Join one of our popular webinars to find out how Chronicle can transform how you search and view your records offline, making them more accessible.